How to write term papers
Challenge Essay Samples
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Business Model and Process of Entrepreneurship †Free Samples
Questions: Q1. Examine I don't get your meaning by the term Business model, fundamentally assess the job it plays during the time spent Entrepreneurship? Q2. How does the plan of action identifies with the association methodology? Q3. What are the difficulties business people being probably going to involvement with creating and actualizing their plan of action and in what manner can these difficulties be survived? Answers: 1. Plan of action A plan of action is the hypothetical structure partner the achievability of a business, along with its assurance, its targets, objectives and its proceeding with plans for achieving them. Plan of action is a depiction clarifying the endeavors of business for accomplishing its motivation. Model include all the approaches and procedures of the business. Marketable strategy and plan of action are comparative. Be that as it may, a field-tested strategy include all the basic highlights to decide the practicality of potential business, though a plan of action shows the components that lead to the accomplishment of a current business (Tech Target. 2017). There are two significant elements of Business model. Worth must be made by the plan of action in the worth chain and a bit of significant worth should in the worth chain must be caught by the firm. There is an association among enterprise and plan of action because of the foundation of significant worth catch and worth creation. Business enterprise implies it is an interest in a plan that collects and composes devoted people and changed resources that are intricately identified with advancements in the logical and mechanical data for the drive of delivering and taking the value for a firm. Plan of action is mainstream, distinctive business are attempting to make new plans of action. Numerous business are compromised by the new plans of action. In this way, business that are as of now settled must discover creative models of business to servive in the market and to confront the opposition and to make the spot in the market business visionaries are finding new and inventive plans of a ction (Osterwalder, 2005). Parts that are significant of plan of action during the time spent enterprise are-Gross edge model, Revenue model, Investment model, Working capital model and Operating model. 2. Plan of action of an organization is identified with the methodology of the business it has a connection of nut and screws as it gives the appropriate response of the organization designs about accomplishing the objectives and procedures of making the benefit. For instance If organization isn't accepting the benefit because of the need winning the income from the promotions by the sites, administrators can choose to make new plan of action, such as selling products like shirts and so forth through online source as a system to make benefit (Hamel, 2017). 3. Difficulties There is absence of condition understanding and just centering of the outcomes, not completely dedicated towards arranging, Inappropriate individuals at the situation of initiative, absence of productive arranging, adaptable arrangement. Arranging group must be productive, dedicated towards their work and should utilize legitimate authority aptitudes for creating and actualizing the plan of action. Conquer the difficulties Correct individuals ought to be picked, commonly individuals pick their companions as their fellow benefactor which can be the explanation of misfortunes for the business, Business ought to embrace the correct estimating technique, acknowledge the disappointment, old procedures ought to be supplanted with the new systems, business visionaries ought to be engaged with the business capacity and business person ought to be engaged towards the objective (Martinuzzi, 2013). Case of organizations picked up progress because of plan of action Apple, PayPal, Google, Napster and Facebook. References Hamel, G. (2017). The Relationship Between the Business Model and Strategy. Recovered from: between-plan of action procedure 25963.html Martinuzzi, B. (2013). Approaches to defeat the hindrances that murder organizations. Recovered from: venture/openforum/articles/8-approaches to-defeat the-snags that-execute organizations/ Osterwalder, A. (2005). What is a Business model? Recovered from: Tech Target. (2017). Plan of action. Recovered from: of action
Monday, July 13, 2020
Barbies New Makeover
Barbies New Makeover Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention Print A More Diverse Barbie Doll Barbies Increased Diversity May Promote Better Body Image By Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, CEDS facebook twitter linkedin Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, is a certified eating disorders expert and clinical psychologist who provides cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. Learn about our editorial policy Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, CEDS Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Rachel Goldman, PhD, FTOS on February 06, 2020 Rachel Goldman, PhD FTOS is a licensed psychologist, clinical assistant professor, speaker, wellness expert specializing in weight management and eating behaviors. Learn about our Medical Review Board Rachel Goldman, PhD, FTOS on February 06, 2020 More in Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention Symptoms Treatment Diagnosis Mattel, the manufacturer of the iconic Barbie, in 2016, finally introduced a more diverse range of options for the doll. The new Barbie dolls now come in varied shapes, including tall, petite, and curvy, and also sport different hairstyles, eye colors, and skin tones. They are thus more reflective of the diversity of American females. After 56 years, this makeover was a welcome change. Why is this important? Research shows that 99% of 3- to 10-year-olds in the United States own at least one Barbie doll. She is the single most successful toy produced, according to The New York Times. In recent years Barbie had been criticized for promoting an unrealistic body image, being overly sexualized, and promoting gender stereotypes. To demonstrate this first point, in 2011 college student Galia Slayen made a life-size Barbie for National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Extrapolating Barbie to life-size demonstrated her preposterous proportions: five feet nine inches tall with a 36-inch bust, 18-inch waist, and 33-inch hips. Not only does this represent a practically unattainable form, but she would be profoundly unhealthy. At this size, Barbie would lack the 17 to 22 percent body fat required to menstruate, a sign of malnourishment. Barbie does not cause eating disorders, but she may contribute to a cultural ideal that increases the risk for negative body image. A study by Dittmar and colleagues exposed girls ages 5 to 8 to images of either Barbie dolls, plus-size Emme dolls (dolls inspired by the plus-size model, Emme), or no dolls and then asked them to complete body image assessments. Girls exposed to Barbie reported lower body esteem and a greater desire for a thinner body shape than the girls in the other conditions. The authors concluded that exposure to the dolls may have a negative impact on body image. Negative body image is a risk factor for several physical and emotional consequences including increased weight, depressive symptoms, and disordered eating, and can be a risk factor for an eating disorder. Negative body image has become increasingly common. Girls as young as five or six have been noted to express a desire to be thinner. Weight stigma, negative attitudes about people in larger bodies, is also increasing and has been linked to negative psychological and health consequences. In a press release about the change, Evelyn Mazzocco, Senior Vice President and Global General Manager of Barbie said, These new dolls represent a line that is more reflective of the world girls see around themâ€"the variety in body type, skin tones and style allows girls to find a doll that speaks to them. The new Barbie is a step away from the white thin ideal that is dominant in our society. This is important. It shows children that bodies naturally come in a variety of shapes and colors. Of course, the doll options are still limited compared to the tremendous diversity that exists in the population. People want to see images (including dolls, models, and actors) who look like them, whether they are larger, older, darker-skinned, transgender, disabled, or anywhere else along other dimensions of body diversity. Thus, the new Barbie is a step in the right direction. It is important to see even greater body diversity in images, toys, and in the media. Then hopefully future generations will be able to liberate themselves from diet culture and the overvaluing of the thin ideal and be able to enjoy fuller lives.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Is Technology Has Changed Our Brains - 1443 Words
Don’t Fret: Technology Has Changed Our Brains Humans are creatures of habit. We wake up at specific times to go about our days and then we sit down at our dining room tables to eat at specified times throughout the day, usually habitually. But, humanity hasn’t always been this algorithmic. It wasn’t until the advent of the mechanical clock that our lives began to mold around time. We changed. I would like to assume that we became more productive because of this change. However, humanity historically hasn’t perceived change as good. In Sherry Turkle’s â€Å"The Flight from Conversation†she negatively asserts that technology has changed the way we socialize and communicate by sacrificing conversation for our mere connection to each other through technology and allowing that connection to replace the former. In the same vein, Nicholas Carr’s â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?†establishes the idea that technology has altered the wa y we critically read and think for the worse. As the title of his article suggests, Google (more broadly the internet) has simplified our reading style, and in turn is making us â€Å"stupid†. I choose to defy both these notions. Technology hasn’t become the catalyst for a society where we lose the ability to have social connections or critically read and think. Rather, humans have adapted to change through the use of technology as a new way of thinking, reading, connecting, and socializing in attempt to become more productive and efficient. Sherry Turkle doesn’tShow MoreRelatedHow Technology Has Changed Our Brain1452 Words  | 6 Pagesof technology is not to confuse the brain but to serve it. A computers are machines that use a binary system to store, memorize, and manipulate information, just quite like the brain. A computer is able to carry out a series of logical operations, but yet so is our brain. The computer has memory that stores data and central processing unit that carries out certain steps, but yet so does the human brain. From the first computer just being used vacuum tubes, to use the silicon chips, there has beenRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Making Us Stupid 881 Words  | 4 Pagesthe Web reconfigures the human brain, causing us to think, read and process data differently, and ultimately Google plays a big role. Thought-out the article Carr uses sources from: researchers, acquaintances, history and professionals to prove this thesis. Carr opens with various statements making the reader understand his stand point, that the Web has changes the way his mind works, â€Å"uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping the neural circuitryRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid: Summary and Response Essay1145 Words  | 5 PagesEnglish 1010 Instructor Renaud 6 February, 2013 Is Google making us Stupid: An article by Nicholas Carr Over history technology has changed mankind’s overall culture. From clocks to computers the use of electronics and tools is occurring every day in almost all situations. In Carr’s article â€Å"Is Google Making us Stupid?†he introduces the idea how the internet is changing our lives by making us mentally process information differently from the past, based off previous changes in history. Carr explainsRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid?1220 Words  | 5 Pagespast and connects them to what is happening in our present. He also provides a look into what our future may look like with our continued use of technology in our everyday lives. Carr delivers many convincing points in his article and really explains to the reader that their electronic devices and the Internet are creating a shallower person. He provides an insight to the other side of his argument, the side that believes technology is changing our world for the better. Both sides of the argumentRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid?1048 Words  | 4 PagesclichÃÆ' ©s is that the Internet has robbed us of our attention spans and impeded our ability to communicate effectively. Once we could write properly, now we only text. Google has made us lazy in terms of how we research and access data. However, is this true? In three major news publications, three major essayists have grappled with this question and come to completely different conclusions. Although the neurological evidence in support of the Internet is stealing our brains thesis is mixed, there isRead MoreTechnology Is Making Our Lives Easier928 Words  | 4 PagesThere is no doubt that technology is making our lives easier. We live in a society where technology is used on a daily basis. If you don’t use technology you’re making life hard for yourself. There are many advantages and as many disadvantages in using technology. Technology has completely changed the mankind. We have information on our fing ertips at all times. It’s fast, convenient and very useful in today’s society. People nowadays look for answers using technology instead of doing research themselvesRead MoreShould We Continue Use The Internet For Everything? Essay1403 Words  | 6 PagesShould We Continue to Use the Internet for Everything? In our society today we use the internet for everything, from banking and grocery shopping to entertainment and communication. Some people believe that this is holding us back as a society and making us less intelligent as a whole. Technology is always being invented to better our lives and make them easier. The internet betters the lives of many people every day. Technology is not necessarily making us stupid or driving us apart; it is increasingRead MoreIs Technology Killing Empathy?1421 Words  | 6 Pages Is Technology Killing Empathy Andrew Boyd, author of the book Daily Afflictions: The Agony of Being Connected to Everything in The Universe writes that, â€Å"Compassion hurts. When you feel connected to everything, you also feel responsible for everything. And you cannot turn away. Your destiny is bound with the destinies of others. You must either learn to carry the Universe or be crushed by it. You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table withRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society938 Words  | 4 PagesWhen you look at today’s society, you will see a world full of a quickly booming wonder: technology. With technology there is the option to be involved in what a lot of people know as social media. With the invention of web-sites such as Facebook, which is only about ten years old (Westwood), people all over the globe can connect with one another. This technology is exploding into more and more possibilities for the avid networking junkie. You can now send instant messages to all of your friendsRead MoreThe Impact of Technology on Todays Society Essay1121 Words  | 5 Pages The Impact of Technology In Today’s Society â€Å"How has technology changed our lives?†Throughout the years we have been experiencing a dramatic change in the world of technology. IPhone’s, Blackberries, and laptops are becoming an important part of our daily lives. We are all so dependent on these devices that sometimes we treat them as if it is part of our family. Technology has become a priority for many people, and it is likely that people with choose technology over many other things
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Critical Analysis of Shakespeares Twelfth Night Essay...
William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night is a comedy, first published in 1623. Love is a key aspect of Shakespeare’s comedies in which self-identity is found through the development of love from infatuation to acknowledgement of character. Orsino is the epitome of Shakespeare’s transformation of self. In the beginning of the play, Orsino is self-absorbed and head-over-heels for Olivia. In this stage of love we see Orsino’s infatuation and selfishness in his feelings of love. As the play moves on, Viola comes into Orsino’s life and we see glimpses of Orsino’s understanding of what love is and how a person should feel with love. By the end of the play, Orsino realizes his self worth through his love for Olivia and how love really feels to care†¦show more content†¦Tell her my love, more noble than the world,... ‘tis that miracle and queen of gems That nature pranks her in attracts my soul (2.4, 81-87). In this quote, Orsino clearly states that Olivia is cruel to him, yet his love for her is because of her beauty. When Viola comes into Orsino’s life, we can begin to see a small shift in Orsino’s thoughts of love as Viola tells him her views. Orsino fully trusts Viola/Cesario as he tells her to go to Olivia and pursue her for him. Orsino states, â€Å"I have unclasped/To thee the book even of my secret soul†(1.4, 13-14), showing the reader that they have a close bond and trust between the two of them. When Orsino says, â€Å"Make no compare/Between that love a woman can bear me/And that I owe Olivia†(2.4, 102-104), Viola contradicts him and states, â€Å"In faith, they are as true of heart as we†(2.4, 107). Though Orsino doesn’t reply, it seems that Orsino believes Viola. There’s also a glimpse, almost a foreshadowing, of Orsino’s realization that Cesario is Viola when he states, â€Å"Is not more smooth and rubious; thy sma ll pipe/Is as the maiden’s organ, shrill and sound,/And all is semblative a woman’s part†(1.4, 32-34). In Act five, Orsino finds himself, his realization of true love comes out as he realizes Cesario is Viola, a woman, and they are a perfect match together. In the beginning of act five, it seems that the conversation between Feste and Orsino foreshadows Orsino’s realization. When Feste states that friends aren’tShow MoreRelatedThemes Of Social Mobility Through Marriage1655 Words  | 7 PagesThis paper critically analyses the theme of social mobility through marriage in Shakespeare’s play ‘Twelfth Night’. In addition, the paper highlights how different characters in the play got into higher social classes or desired to be in higher social classes through marriage. This paper holds that in a highly stratified society such as that presented in the Shakespeare’s play; marriage plays a significant role in in social class m obility. As opposed to some traditional society where marriage wasRead More Conflict and Harmony in The Tempest Essay1390 Words  | 6 Pagestakes place. This is one of Shakespeares best examples of how a natural harmony reveals itself through the actions of discourse and confusion. To illustrate this idea best one must examine the historical context upon which The Tempest is based. Because this play was published in the early 1600s, controversial cultural and political events undoubtedly surface. Furthermore, by analyzing the sub-plots in the play, the reader has a better understanding of Shakespeares purpose for including multi-plotsRead MoreWit and Humor in Shakespeares Twelfth Night1997 Words  | 8 PagesTwelfth Night by William Shakespeare is a romantic comedy set in Illyria during the Christmas season. The article analysis is a critique on the elements of folly and foolery in Shakespeare’s twelfth night. As defined in the critique, a fool can be à ¢â‚¬Å"a silly or foolish person†or â€Å"one who professionally counterfeits folly for the entertainment of others, a jester, a clown†. In the analysis of the subject in twelfth night, the writer highlights that although Feste is the only professional fool in theRead More Comparing the Love of Romeo and Juliet, Twelfth Night and the Bible4838 Words  | 20 Pagesenemies. (Matt 5:44) Shakespeares Biblical knowledge is well known and he was certainly familiar with these concepts as he wrote his plays on the subject of love. By looking closely at his works, we can analyze the nature of true love. In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare gives an example of true love overcome by tragic fate. His star-crossed lovers are so madly in love with each other that they cannot live without being together. (RJ Prologue, 6) By contrast, in Twelfth Night the characters are soRead MoreEssay about Shakespeares Twelfth Night1780 Words  | 8 Pages Shakespeares Twelfth Night A study of William Shakespeares Twelfth Night, showing how Shakespeares choice of form, structure and language shape meaning Wit, andt be thy will, put me into good fooling! Those wits that think they have thee do very oft prove fools; and I that am sure I lack thee may pass for a wise man. For what says Quinapalus? Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. Shakespeares plays were written to be performed to an audience from different social classes andRead MoreShakespeare s Twelfth Night ( C. 1600-01 )2907 Words  | 12 PagesINTRODUCTION Twelfth Night (c. 1600-01) is a complicated play which deals with the nature of love, gender role and the intricate comic and tragic experiences of love. The characters have multiple layers of gender roles and sexual attractions which makes the issue of gender identity more complex. For example, Viola, the heroine of the play is dressed as a male, Cesario, throughout most of the play. As a male, Viola woos Olivia for Orsino, resulting in Olivia falling in love with Viola-as-Cesario.Read MoreWisdom in Twelfth Night Essay2738 Words  | 11 PagesBeyond Seriousness to Wisdom in Twelfth Night       Shakespeare seems preoccupied with madness and folly in Twelfth Night. The word fool and its variants (foolery, foolish, and so forth) appear eighty times in the play, and the word folly occurs seven times. There are, in addition, other means of indicating foolishness such as Marias Now, sir, thought is free (1.3.67). As Feste suggests, Foolery ... does walk about the orb like the sun; it shines everywhere (3.1.39-40). Read MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Twelfth Night1967 Words  | 8 Pages William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Twelfth Night†or â€Å"What You Will†was written around 1601-1602 with the primary performance being in February 1602. It is known to be a high point of Shakespearian comedy as it is one of Shakespeare’s finest works. Twelfth night was written to commemorate the close of the Christmas season being possibly one of the first ever holiday specials, kind of like the Middle Ages version of â€Å"Love Actually†. The play centres on the twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated duringRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Twelfth Night1155 Words  | 5 Pagesin society. They often try to meet expectations that society has made for them based on gender and social status. William Shakespeare reinforces these ideas in his play Twelfth Night, which introduces many meaningful messages about situations that still occur in society today. He clearly develops i mportant themes worthy of analysis. A few of these strong themes are about stereotypes and society’s expectations and rules, which he proves to be irrelevant most of the time. Many situations in the playRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare Essay1453 Words  | 6 Pagespersonal journals, diaries, or other documents available to help us understand Shakespeare’s thoughts or daily routine. Although there are numerous gaps in the concrete information known about his life, a substantial amount of information abstracted from available resources helps us make assumptions about the creative mind behind some of today’s most recognizable plays. As there is no known official record of Shakespeare’s exact date of birth, historical baptism records show that Shakespeare was born
Integrative Problems and Virtual Organization Free Essays
Integrative Problems and Virtual Organization LaShell Johnson Lynnette O’Neil Thomas Hernandez University of Phoenix Finance for Business FIN 370 Bruce Fox December 14, 2011 Integrative Problems and Virtual Organization Lafleur Trading Company is a private company that has supplied the world with the finest food and wines over 3 dozen trading partners across the planet. Recently, they have decided to expand their operations. Looking at their options, they may expand by acquiring another organization in the same industry, go public through an IPO, or merge with another organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Integrative Problems and Virtual Organization or any similar topic only for you Order Now Below are the pros and cons that may come with each approach. One advantage of being a privately held company is the ability to move quickly without having to obtain approval of shareholders or a board of directors. The owners of a privately held company have a greater interest in the success of the business because of the greater risk the owners face. It would be easier and faster to acquire a company in the same industry. The company would obtain a new customer base and potentially be obtaining new technology that would improve overall operational effectiveness. When an organization decides to expand their business by acquiring another organization in the same industry, there are a few things that need to be considered. An acquisition can be defined as the purchase of one business or company by another company or business entity. One of the strengths of acquiring another company is the fact that they have so many trading partners across a wide range. Lafleur Trading Company only deals with reputable producers and exporters which shows that they are more than capable of handling more responsibility. Their extensive list of products includes seafood, wine, fruit, vegetables, cheese and maple products. If a friendly acquisition occurs, both companies would work together and negotiate the arrangements. Learning more efficient ways for production can also be discovered during the process of an acquisition. There are weaknesses during this process such as transferring of technologies and capabilities can prove difficult because of acquisition implementation. There is always a risk of losing implicit knowledge during a fast paced acquisition. A lack of adequate record keeping can prove costly and time consuming for the acquiring company. There are always opportunities when a company acquires another. For one, the company can increase supply-chain pricing power by buying out one of its suppliers. This allows a company to eliminate a level of costs. Another opportunity to be had is eliminating competition in order to gain a larger market share in its product’s market. An example of a threat would be a hostile takeover. This is when one company buys another against its will. Employees of the acquired company may feel threatened thus resulting in a lack of communication which may be beneficial to the acquiring firm. Expanding through acquisition also has hidden risks; there may be potential law suits that are unknown at the time of purchase. If the acquisition is not structured properly, the acquiring company would have to absorb all the potential liabilities. Another way to expand a privately owned company is to undertake an Initial Public Offering, or a sale of stock by a private company to the public. Companies undertaking IPO may request assistance of an Investment Banking firm to help assess the values of their shares. When the company list their shares to the public exchange, the money paid by investors for those shares goes directly to the company. IPO enables a company access to money, provided by investors, which they can use as capital for future growth. Of course there are variables that may or may not benefit the expanding company. One of the benefits of an IPO is the media coverage the business receives. When favorable, the company’s reputation of its products and services attract more investors. The company’s activities will also be reflected in the reports of professional financial analysts. Positive public profile not only support liquidity of the shares, but also becomes a desirable and reliable partner. Banks also become keen on extending loans with lower interest rates (Trust Capital Group, 2003-2011) Going public also provides its challenges. One of the most important challenges is the need for added disclosure for investors. Public companies are also regulated by the Securities Exchange Act in regards to periodic financial reporting’s. These requirements increase legal, accounting and marketing costs. If La Fleur Trading Company would rather not deal with these additional regulations, they may also decide to merge with another organization. The strengths of merging with another organization, for La Fleur Trading Company can be very beneficial for the company, as its definition says merging is the acquisition of another firm, or merging is the result when two firms unite into one, some of the benefits of emerging with another firm can be economies of scale and a more improved organizational efficiency, it also reduces the staff costs, and general expenses, all this factors have convinced more and more firms to merge with another firm over an IPO. However there might be some weaknesses when merging with another firm, like in every firm there might be some risks to take when making a business, some of the disadvantages of merging with another firm might be, legal expenses, short term opportunity costs, costs and expenses related with the takeover or the merger, potential devaluation of equity and some possible intangible costs that may affect the firms, as a result merging with another firm can be very beneficial or very risky, it may benefit the firms by creating and saving more money for both, or it can be very devastating for both by the much more greater losses that the companies are going to lose with the merging of both firms. In conclusion, we have determined that Lafleur Trading Company should choose the route of merging with another organization because of the type of business it is. It would be more feasible to merge with another firm and gain additional trading partners through that process. By going through an acquisition, the company may lose the existing relationships with the trading partners which would be more costly to start over. As a privately held company, there are no concerns with having to obtain approval of shareholders or a board of directors. It would be easier and faster to merge with a company in the same industry. The company would obtain a new customer base and potentially be obtaining new technology that would improve overall operational effectiveness. Reference Trust Capital Group. (2003-2011). IPO Benefits. Retrieved from http://www. trust-capital. com/page. php? id=73PHPSESSID=798a964978326d6fb0a20625b21ecca6 Keown, A. J. , Martin, J. D. , Petty, J. W. , Scott, D. F. (2005). Financial Management: Principles and applications (10th ed. ). How to cite Integrative Problems and Virtual Organization, Essay examples
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Soylent Green Essay Example For Students
Soylent Green Essay Our life and the lives of the people we love is, and always will be the mostimportant part of our existence as human creatures. We are mammals, we areanimals just like the tiger that wonders through the pasture, the elephant whostampedes a heard of zebra, and the whale that gracefully glides though theocean. We have characteristics of all these and many other mammals that we seeand encounter everyday. What would happen if books were band? Or we were watchedevery day by a camera, or were forced to eat our own species without us evenknow it. In the three movies that were adapted from novels the authors havechanged the perfect world that we know of and brought to the forefront the grimreality of what our beautiful lives are really like. Although the measures takenin the novels are very drastic many of the same themes can be found in ourpresent society. The authors have tribe to bring to our attention what lives arelike if for on day one aching minute our lives are not in our hands but i n thehands of a greater power. The basic theme of the novel 1984 is that if we dontwatch out 1984 will find us. We need to realize, when we are being intruded uponby the government just a little too much. If the government proposes a new chipto be placed into all telecommunications devices so that it can tap into them. We will write a custom essay on Soylent Green specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We have to stop it. (This is not hypothetical, the government proposed TheClipper Chip which would be used to listen to our encoded conversations,and to see our data communications. We would be safe from our neighbors, but notfrom our government.) The authors predictions of the future are really advice,Dont let the government control every aspect of your private lives.If we allow this we will be turned into robots of the system. Perhaps it is alsoa look at what is already. In many ways we are controlled, we are robots. Inkindergarten we are taught how to be that way. Stand in a line, donttalk, hands out of pockets, fire drill, bells ringing. We are trulycontrolled by words and bells. Nine-teen-eighty-four has come and gone, howeverthat doesnt mean we are safe. The authors view of the future is no longer evenclose to accurate. It will NEVER happen that way. No, today we have far BETTERways of this happening. With computers containing almost all data, which can bequickly erased in larg e numbers at the touch of a but-ton, information is mucheasier to rectify. With new technology we could hide micro-phones inthe fabric of clothing. Video cameras are smaller today. They could be wornabout people. Maybe in the future be implanted in them. Orwells future is dead. The reality is that it could be even worse. Orwell should NOT be discredited, heshould be listened to and praised. There are measures going through congress nowthat will inhibit our rights in the future. Our own congress makes measures togive themselves raises. They wont vote yes on such bills as term limits. It isnot inconceivable that a bill could pass to law saying that the president andcongress shall stay in power forever. They could even convince us to allow it tohappen. Hitler did it when he became leader. This is the future Orwellpredicted, he just didnt have it exact. Perhaps it is closer than we think onlybeing shaded by conspirators. Fahrenheit 451 is a novel about men and women whoare torn away from the reality of life and told what to do and when to do it. Isuppose they really would have nothing else to do with their lives if theyveall thought the same. Theyre pretty much out of touch with reality. But ifpeople get out of touch with reality, how can they have the ability to thinkintelligently? To avoid reality and conflict, the people in Bradburys book haveal-lowed themselves to be diverted by technological entertainment. Theentertainment, like TV, has provided a distraction or diversion for thissociety. As a result of this distraction, they have quit reading anythingcomplex or insightful. Hopefully, our world wont meet Bradburys predictions. .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436 , .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436 .postImageUrl , .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436 , .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436:hover , .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436:visited , .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436:active { border:0!important; } .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436:active , .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436 .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u155e88fae57f3118c891b2a59a6ce436:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Tess Of The DUbervilles EssayOf course it wont, will it? Well, at least we know that to avoid theconsequences the society of Fahrenheit 451 faced, we must keep intouch with individuality and continue to express different opinions. We mustcontinue reading and expanding our minds so that we are able to make intelligentdecisions. That way, we can work with technology so that it is beneficial to ourneeds, not so that it overpowers our lives. And to think, we thought a worldwithout conflict would make us perfectly happy. Soylent Green takes place anoverpopulated world, its only to be expected that life is cheap. People crowdlike refugees, living from hand to mouth; attractive y oung women are rented outwith apartments and referred to as `furniture. The future is not only crowdedbut also polluted, economically repressed, striped of all natural resources, andsuf-fering from the Greenhouse effect. We the viewer get the sense of a futureby focusing on elements of daily life that have no changes as a consequence. Robinsons Sol, who is pointedly the `soul of the film, is our emotional andphilosophical connection to the unspoiled past his memories are supposed to beours and provides the films only touching moments. Its a rare film thatmakes death a pleasant and more preferable alternative than living, but inSOYLENT GREEN humanity has reached a dead end: it posits that at a certainlevel, there are no solutions. In fact, the climax at the films end, is not theact of evil and exploitation youll first think, but the only viable plan leftfor survival it make you wonder about the lengths humanity will go to in orderto remain on the planet, and whether it is even necessary if the more noble ofhuman qualities be projected as essential part of our lives. The three filmsthat we have watched have all taught us something very import about our societyand the human culture. The characters all have endured great obstacles to bewhere they are in society. We can learn from all of them many lessons of lifeand hopefully teach the ones that we love how to excel in a world of such chaos. A world that our government has the power to run our lives without us evenknowing it. A world where we are not the hunter but the hunted!
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